Are you ever heard someone said, 'when someone touch my nose, I certain attacked influenza' ((used to like me :P)) or 'when I get up early, I feel very tired' or maybe someone said 'every year when transition season, I attacked Influenza because weather is not friendly'.
Henestly, many people didn't know that if to use the sentence like that they have to bend mindset or negative thinking system.
After bent, this mindset kept in mind as well as to grow opinion and negative perception.
The mean of mindset is often thinking about something and to imagine that special experience have special effect.
Finally, opinion and that internal description really to make feel like that.
Let we make recite about statement or perception ((paragraph 1))
- 'every year...' (with this sentence they to as certain had a unfortunate sequel).
- 'when transition season' (with this sentence they to as certain time of attacked influenza, this certainty to be continuous every year).
- 'attacked influenza' (with this sentence they to as certain genre of sickness. So, that sickness be baund to they self every year when transition season).
- 'when I get up early, I feel very tired' or next sentence '...because weather is not friendly' (with this sentence they to as certain the reason and result).
- 'I certain attacked influenza' (with this sentence they to as certain result and facing of true every year).
Mindset is mind of collection who happened time after time in all place and time also supported with conviction and projection so that obviously in every same place and time.
hear itu kata kerja stative, dak bisa dipakein verb-ing. hehe. jadi mungkin bagusnya pake present perfect aja, have you ever heard about someone. bla bla blaa..
ehhh. sebelum lebih jauh, gak papakan klo gw coba coba koreksi? heheh
siiiip Mr.Rahmatullah,,
Makasih yaaah
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nice info....follow me juga ya... I've followed your blog...
keren ada musiknya..
cuman kasihan buat yang komputernya lemot kayak aku..
jadinya buka blog ini tersendat2..hikzzz
Membiasakan bicara dengan kalimat positif akan membawa kesuksesan!
I've read a book about it before. Is your article refer to certain book?
i agree with u, yunchun, the other name in motivation is NLP, isn't it?
nice post sweety
nice point n info yunchun =D
blog yg cantik..mmg ssuai utk gegurls hee yang bagus ni.............
nice posts....
Blog pun cantik!!
add me buddy i ll add and follow u
waduh.. aku ga bgt ngerti bhs ingrris... tp ok lah... nice post as u... nice girl... ha..ha.. lol..
hmm....please in indonesia.:D
Okelah kaloo begitu...
Maklumkagak ngerti bhs palnet
hi yunchunn tak pernah kulihat ngomong indon nih english trus welleeh cape nerjemahinya wkwkwkw
oke tengkiyuuuu lah dah mampir
visit me
pastinya bahasa linggis na Yunchun hebat...amazing
disini uda pada ngomongin Tenses ya rupanya
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